Popular Winter Apparel for Ladies


When it comes to counting blessings, I count winter twice since it’s my favorite month of the year. I just love the falling snow, making snow angels, drinking hot coco with marshmallows and the best part is the fashion of the season! Ah! I just love winter fashion apparels and accessories. Continue reading

Luscious Cosmetics Trio- REVIEW


Autumn is around the bend and people are very much seen getting into dark colors to slay the heck outta this season. But for someone like me who hates pumpkin spice lattes and doesn’t know how to rock a dark lip at all, it’s a bit hard to survive. It’s like being beauty zombies *Ha ha* Continue reading

Shadow And Bone- Book Review



Hey !

I don’t know about you, but I have this habit of searching book quotes then adding the books to my TBR pile if I like a quote. Just me? Okay. Anyways, a while ago I did the search and came across a really cute paragraph from a book. It was so cute and romantic that I just had to read it ! And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I ended up getting Shadow and Bone. This is a review and I won’t spoil any of the book. Continue reading