5 Essential Tips To Smoother Underarms

smooth underarms
So finally… summers are officially here! For eastern countries including mine, summers can be a little too hot for a pleasant stroll on the beach. Which calls for those gorgeous sleeveless dress that you bought or the pretty blue sleeveless kimono, but what about the underarms? We all are a little insecure about them and specially if you have a olive toned to medium tones skin specially, then you are more prone to dark patches Continue reading

Arabic Perfumes and Fragrances Online in Pakistan


The first word that comes to your mind after someone says summer is definitely perfume or deo or any sort of fragrance that will keep the sweat odor away for a good amount of time. Not that summers are not ideal to have fun or think of ice creams rather then sweat and fragrances *lol* but you always need a boost of confidence through the day and if you start it off with someone telling you about how you smell, that’s not very ideal. Continue reading