Beauty Blogger’s Tag


Hey Darlings! I woke u today and thought how bloody lazy I am :’D YES! God gracious! I am such a lazy person. Specially these days when I have to pull all nighters for the sake and love of my bright future, I am super tired but seeing all this positivity and so many lovely people around gives me hope and strength to get out of my procrastination zone and bring up posts!

So, today I would like to thank the very lovely Sarah Shafni from Lifestyle with Sarah who was kind enough to consider me for the “Beauty Blogger Tag”. You guy’s should definitely check her out because she hosts wonderful giveaways!


For those who don’t know about the tag, here are the rules:

  • Tag the blogger who nominated you
  • Answer the questions
  • Come up with 10 questions of your own
  • Nominate other bloggers, and don’t forget to tell them!

Now, My Answers to Sarah’s questions:

Where are you blogging from?
Currently, I am blogging from my bedroom because I am too lazy to get up! 😀

Your favorite signature lipstick (name and shade)?
I am more of a lip balm person but if I had to choose one, It’ll be MAC “Lady Danger”

Your favorite signature perfume?
I can never settle on a signature sent so there are too many to name!

What is the 3 most important beauty must have’s in your handbag?
Wipes, moisturizer and a lip balm. I also think Hand sanitizer is a must-have!

What is the most important beauty tip you got from your (mom, aunt, sibling , best friend)?
The tip the have worked like a charm for me is using rose water right after washing face. My grand maa told me that and it’s sooooo accurate. Maintains a glowy skin.

What according to you is the one important thing to have in your wardrobe?
Every compartment has it’s essential but I think you need to have a comfy pair of heels for the days you wanna dazzle.

What is the current shampoo and conditioner you use?
I am using the Dove essential oil care range. The combo of that shampoo and conditioner is THE BEST! while I keep doing shampoo rotation one every three months, it keep your hair healthy.

What would be your top 3 hair care advice?
1: Always get a hot oil massage on weekends.
2: Brushing from bottom to top will prevent hair fall.
3: Do shampoo rotation every once in three months! IT’S SO IMPORTANT!

Do you think contouring and strobing is important for makeup or just over commercialized?
Nah! I was never a fan of any of the said trends. Some people might think it looks youthful or sexy which is totally cool because it’s everyone’s opinion but I think being a pale lady (don’t judge me) contouring makes me look brown and storbing makes me look like a bloody ghost town celeb!

Do you prefer getting beauty tips from YouTube or blogs?
From a few sane and verified sources, absolutely!

                             ❤❤ My Nominations For The Tag ❤❤

1: Joanne from Cozy Fashionist
2: Taylor from Taylortalksxo
3: Sana from Makeupholics
4: Tina from Tea is for Tina
5: Filzah from Lady in Rouge


My questions for you ladies are:

1: Tea or Coffee?
2: Lipstick or lip gloss?
3: Best ancestral beauty tip?
4: Fave food?
5: Ultimate goal about your blog?
6: Friends or Family?
7: Flats or Heels, why?
8: Share your quick snack recipe.
9: One weird thing about yourself?
10: If you could give your blog readers a nick name, what would it be?

Thanks once again to the lovely Sarah! ❤
Drop your links below guys, after you’ve answered so I can read your views.

Good luck xx




13 thoughts on “Beauty Blogger’s Tag

  1. Aww I absolutely loved reading this and getting to know you more!! You are honestly far too sweet, thank you so very much for the nomination!!! It truly means more than I can even explain!! Thank you lovely!! ❤ xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 1: Tea
    2: Lipstick
    3: Drink lots of water
    4: Buddha Bowls
    5: Inspire others
    6: Friends
    7: Flats…damaged ankles, don’t do well in heels sadly
    8: Celery or Carrots with hummus …or Apple with Almond Butter
    9: I am a tiny bit psychic
    10: Goal Setters

    Liked by 1 person

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